Concept to Curtain

Concept to CurtainThird time’s the charm! Brought to you by Aftershock Entertainment and the Fusion Performing Arts Center, Concept to Curtain is a 24 hour play festival, in which participants will team up to create, direct, and act in several short plays, all in one day! No experience necessary, just a sense of fun, and (more likely than not) the ability to function on little sleep!

To participate, come to Fusion on Saturday, April 25th, at 2:30PM to register.
To see the show, come to Fusion on Sunday April 26th at 3:00PM, to watch! Tickets are $10.

Bring $10, which will cover your registration cost, and one meal (which will be pizza). It would also likely be to your benefit to bring either another meal, or at least some snacks to get you through the night.

The location will have complete adult supervision at all times, but from mall closing hours until mall opening hours, you will be locked in the Fusion Performing Arts Center- this obviously doesn’t apply to emergency situations, but don’t expect to get out for a late night coffee!

It’s bound to be a blast, and is an incredible experience for both novices and experts alike! So tell all your acting friends to join in the fun, and all your other friends to come out and see it! We hope to see you there!

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